There is something I've stumbled across looking at my cactus sitting in the evening sun. While looking at this aging cactus I was thinking about how I need to re-pot it, and probably give him a buddy to grow beside. To do so I'll need to find the right cactus, get better soil, and probably get some nutrients to give them every few months. Within this, I realized that the existence of this cactus in my life comes with a whole load of thoughts, costs, and a pulling of my energy. Though there is inspiration and creativity for making up a sweet little desert terrain within this beloved clay pot, it may be more detrimental to having it in my life than not. That may sound so much more serious than warranted, but if you take that sentiment and look through a broader view, you may see that everything within our lives is renting internal and external space. This is where abundance of items, belongings, and creative pieces become more lacking, due to the demands that is put upon us; visually, physically, mentally, and emotionally. Imagine, if I didn't have this cactus, I wouldn't have to think about the soil, buying another cactus, watering it sufficiently, fertilizing it, and bringing it in and out with each shifting season.
What else in our lives can we just simply cancel out to create a clearer headspace for ourselves? What marketing stories have we been drawn into that take up precious resources of ourselves?
Maybe its simplifying our beauty routines; face serums, acids, make -up with expiration dates...
Possibly it looks like simplifying our wardrobe until we have well made basics..
Maybe its people that we feel charged around that take up emotional space - we need to prep our selves to be around, or recharge after seeing them.
What would taking inventory of your outgoing energy look like? Would you find you have aspects of your life where you're bleeding energy, resources, and your limited internal space?